I started blogging the year after my mother passed. It’s been sort of a therapeutic thing for me, a way to get out any angst or any emotions that I’ve been feeling. My intent with this blog is to try and give some perspective on my life as a twenty-something Black woman. There are some extraordinary things about me I think. (I lost both my parents before the age of 22, I have an almost-Master’s degree (Feb12th), I’m very dark skin, etc) and some things about me are pretty regular. (I enjoy a good weave, I love shopping, food, and TV and my dating life is often a series of unfortunate events). You can refer to this blog to learn all about the time this boy I was dating stole ALL of my electronics. Shit Happens
I’m not perfect. I’ve never suggested that I was. I’m as bougie (call it stuck-up if you’d like) as they come, but I certainly don’t look down on people. I will however, give you the side eye if you do things that lack foresight and consideration for others. My two rules to live by in life are, “To treat others the way you want to be treated” and “never make a mistake that you cannot fix”. With that being said, I’ve never laughed at anyone’s plight (that wasn’t my own). I’ll usually put an LOL next to something if I’m saying it as a joke. I’ve tried to protect the identities of people that I may touch upon in my writings when I felt the topics were “sensitive”.
Still, people are bound to feel attacked when written about and I suppose that’s their right. If I had known what would have occurred as a result of my previous post, then obviously I would have edited words or amended things without retracting my opinion of course. (Everyone has their own opinion and everyone has their truth, what’s written here just happened to be mine.) However, what I don’t find acceptable is being threatened with violence or being called out of my name. Nor do I condone attempted intimidation and other nonsense. I realize more than ever that not everyone is going to like and appreciate what you say however; some things are just always deplorable.
All this is to say this is not a platform to EXPOSE other people’s personal business by giving details and so forth. Chocolate Girl in the City is a blog about me and the things that have happened to me. My previous blog was simply about speaking up for myself instead of being passive and timid. The examples used were tiny snippets of the things that have occurred in my life in the past year or so.
With that being said, to anyone out there who wants to write about things that have happened to them personally then I say go right ahead. In my opinion it’s important to talk about the things that hurt us. Marlon Riggs once said, “The only cure to what ails us it to talk about it.”
I’ll end this short blurb by saying this. “You own everything that happened to you. Tell your stories. If people wanted you to write warmly about them, they should’ve behaved better.”
Hope ya’ll aren’t freezing
Xoxoxo Chocolate Girl In the City xoxoxoxox